My story
Psychic, healer and everything between
Looking back, everything is always much clearer, and you understand why you had to experience certain things. My childhood had both lightness and difficulty. I have always been very sensitive – essentially reading the energy of a room and people’s states, thoughts, and conditions from a young age. I am highly empathetic, but as a child, I didn’t realize this; I thought all feelings and thoughts were my own.
When someone felt uncomfortable, I would feel very bad and would start healing through my own situation or the person. I did this through performing, singing, dancing, and just being a very diligent and cheerful girl. When you are sensitive, you might not initially understand that others are not like you. As a child, I was carefree, joyful, athletic, and wanted to be in front of people, communicate, and explore different places. However, at some point, I lost my lightness...
Each of us experiences traumas to some degree – whether major or minor. It’s a part of growing, and I wouldn’t be who I am today without my past. But now I no longer focus on the past; it is essential to live here and now. Here, I share a bit of background. I had to grow up relatively young, which made me overly serious and prematurely mature. I moved in with my grandmother at 16 and gained my life education from that. My grandmother was already old and passed away a year later. I am grateful for that year in which we got to know each other. When she died, she started visiting me in dreams and didn’t want to leave. It was my first spiritual experience through which I began to understand that I perceive something more. My grandmother’s spirit was stuck between the heavenly and earthly worlds, which led me to mediums and seers. In fact, my grandmother opened the door to the spiritual world for me, and later I learned that many strong women with abilities were in our family line. I feel a strong sense of support and protection behind me, even though I am more fragile and gentle, and that softness is who I am. My grandmother stayed by my side for a long time after her departure, supporting me and ensuring I got my life back on track, protecting me strongly.
When my grandmother found peace, I became deeply curious about the spiritual world. I started reading about it and exploring different practices. I was very fascinated by this world but thought I would engage with it more deeply much earlier. After my grandmother’s passing, I moved in with my sister for a year and then went as an exchange student to Brazil for another year. It was a significant experience in self-discovery and learning about myself, but at one point, I suddenly felt the need to return.
When I came back, I found myself struggling with depression and anxiety. All the traumas from childhood surfaced, and I no longer enjoyed life at all. I realized I could no longer hide behind my masks and walls. I surrendered, received help, including medication, and my mind began to function again.
I gradually began to find the strength to create my life and discover who I truly am. I took on various jobs and earned a bachelor’s degree in sociology and a master’s degree in contemporary media. I wanted to secure a certain position and confidence for myself. But after completing all these stages, I realized it still wasn’t quite right. Although now looking back, all those steps were crucial, I felt something was missing. At the same time, a friend gifted me my first angel tarot cards. It was so fascinating; I was interested, but initially, I didn’t know how to read them. One thing led to another, and I reached a dead end with my job search. I was blocked from advancing up the career ladder; all doors were closed for no reason.
I surrendered and went to an energy cleansing meditation. And then I became free! Truly. I realized there was something in front of me that I couldn’t see. I let go of the pressure to be someone I was not. I began to sense the cards and practice my sensitivity, sharing my journey on a blog. I learned to maintain my energy. I quietly started offering card readings, initially just for fun for friends and acquaintances. I wanted to share my experiences, and this led to the creation of Spirituaalne Elustilist.
I didn’t dare to come out into the open right away, but when I did, I realized there was nothing to fear. And the developments continue to this day; a helper doesn’t need to be perfect – that’s not natural for a human. And so the ball started rolling, and I felt the strength and desire to convey information that is so natural to me. Being among people, seeing various experiences, pursuing my own path, and leading myself led me to create my own business and see how life started to support me. I had to trust; there was no other option. To do that, I had to let go of control, and then the Universe could start supporting me.
Now, I have embraced my role as an intuitive clairvoyant, spiritual soul master, and content creator. It’s actually amusing to give myself titles because I know I am simply a powerful soul with a great blue parrot totem and a light worker from the Sirius star system, with the Pleiadians behind me to help me serve the greater good of the Universe. I come from a planet where the primary contact was with nature and water-like substances. I have also had many earthly lives, but I focus on living in this life. It is my greatest honor to be here and eternal gratitude to my helpers both on Earth and above! I know I came here for a reason, and for that, I had to give up a lot, but then the non-supportive was replaced with something better! This way, I can be free, be myself, love, and be loved!
My work has now grown quite significantly. I mainly provide information both individually and to groups on YouTube and Patreon. Additionally, I support people with energetic healing and help them align with themselves on their journey. Occasionally, I train souls and am happily available to those who are also on the spiritual path.
We are all unique and one of a kind. There really is no one like you. When we all accept ourselves and make peace with ourselves, the world truly becomes a beautiful place. Through our own selves, not by changing the world. We are the change. Who are you? Find that out and create a collaboration. It is your greatest strength. I can help you with that if you feel called.
With love,